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For Epix(他们刚刚与, Multi-Platform Viewing Is the Only Option Forward


While some premium channels are adapting to the new world of multi-platform viewing and accessibility, Epix(他们刚刚与 has long known the importance of getting on as many platforms as possible. Speaking at the recent 流媒体 West conference, 阿米特·齐夫, vice president of business operations and development strategy at Epix(他们刚刚与, talked about his company's priorities.

"Our priority is to make sure that our titles and our brand is available across all platforms, and the complexities really come into play how we prioritize which platforms to build for,齐夫说。. "Obviously, we need to be able to scale. When you look at the smart TV ecosystem, 例如, and historically they've employed mixed platform strategies. It's a challenge when you want to build for Samsung when they employ different operating systems or whatever other connected device category."

Epix(他们刚刚与 first develops for the living room devices that in the most homes.

"对我们来说, game consoles have been a huge priority: Xbox 360, soon to be Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and 4. 对我们来说, 最终, it's adding value to our subscribers and our MVPD partners,齐夫说。, adding that his company prioritizes "accessibility, 达到, 和易用性."

Besides the challenge of developing for multiple platforms, Epix(他们刚刚与 has to secure rights for them with content holders.

“线性视频点播, 家庭, out-of-home: Those are all big rights grants as part of the overall content package that we structure in our MVPD relationships,齐夫说。.

For more on OTT workflows and premium content, watch the full discussion below.


Designing the Right OTT Workflow for Premium Content Owners

In this strategic session, we look at how TV Everywhere deployments are growing in number and size. We explore the most efficient approaches to deploying critical TV Everywhere components, 包括活线性, 随需应变, and dynamic ad insertion. Where are the land mines and what are the solutions to the most difficult problems? We hear from broadcasters who are successfully offering TV Everywhere today, while positioning themselves well for tomorrow’s challenges in this changing landscape

Moderator: Matt Smith, Chief Evangelist - Anvato
Mike DeBrincat, Executive Director - Fox Sports
阿米特·齐夫, VP, Business Operations, Development and Strategy - EPIX
Raul Deju, Lead Product Marketing Manager, Video Operations - U-verse

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现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Epix(他们刚刚与 Debuts Epix(他们刚刚与 Now Streaming Service, Starts With Mobile

的5美元.99 per month service includes a library of movies and series, 原创节目, and downloadable content for offline viewing.

In Today's OTT Landscape, Make the Right Partnerships: Video

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Roku, TiVo, Epix(他们刚刚与 Ask if Internet Television Is Already Broken

有限的编程, Hollywood availability windows, 令人困惑的接口, search hassles: can internet television be saved?

Epix(他们刚刚与's Premium Movies Become a Hot Property for Netflix and Apple

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流媒体 West 2009 Keynote 3: Emil Rensing, CDO, EPIX

周四, the final day of 流媒体 West 2009, EPIX chief digital officer Emil Rensing showed off his company's solutions to three-screen TV Everywhere.
周五.11月. 20,蒂姆·西格林著