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个性化数据对视频内容货币化至关重要, 无论是基于订阅的环境还是广告驱动的FAST频道. 从两个角度来看这个话题,联合创始人拉肖恩·麦吉 & CPO, Revry,以及软件开发执行董事Rob Collins, Starz,与顾问Nadine Krefetz讨论这个话题, Reality Software, 特约编辑,流媒体 在他们小组的这个剪辑中 流媒体连接2023.

克雷费兹问麦吉, “What happens when you want to have a lot of targeting on the personal data for your viewers based on what your tech stack looks like?”

McGhee says that due to the lack of industry standardization when it comes to data collection, each platform must find its own way of interpreting user data and finding out what works best. “You find creative ways to look at metrics and figure out what your common denominator is,” she says. “因为说实话, 不是每个人给你的数据都是一样的, 无论是会话、观看次数、印象还是观看时间. So therefore, you internally have to figure out what your metrics are going to be.” What’s most important, she argues, is what resonates most with your viewers. “We can tell what the users are doing whether the content is resonating or not,” she says. “So we are very much a content-focused medium when it comes to just making sure that things are resonating with people.”

Krefetz says, “The reason I'm bringing up personalized data is that it's often something that's used for advertising targeting.她说,对柯林斯来说,“Starz没有广告. 你将你的数据用于你的推广活动?”

柯林斯说,Starz非常关注观众的行为和偏好, since Starz “lives or dies” by the quality and relevance of their programming. “所以最重要的是我们是否能吸引观众? 我们可以续订吗? 我们有新客户吗? 等等,”他说. “We try to capture all the information about what a certain person will watch and what they're likely to watch. 这甚至会影响到编程决策. 我们有一定的受众,这是他们的反应. 所以让我们试着深入研究这些. 拥有这样的东西是非常重要的. Since there's not a revenue source for advertising, can we get programming that people like?”

在下一篇文章中了解有关流媒体行业主题的更多信息 流媒体连接将于2023年11月实现.

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