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Why the Via LA Streaming Codec Pool Merger Matters

通过许可 shook the MPEG licensing world in May 2023 when it acquired MPEG LA to form the Via LA juggernaut. 那笔交易现在进展如何, 六个月后, as licensors 和 patent holders alike survey the l和scape? 罗伯特J.L. 摩尔, 专利代理人, 摩尔 IP Solutions discusses the implications with Mattia Fogliacco, 总统, Sisvel集团在2023年11月的这段剪辑中 流媒体连接.

摩尔 asks Fogliacco about the Via Lincensing 和 MPEG LA merging. “描述一下这里的球员, 这次合并的重要性, 和 how is this likely to affect codec licensing in the future?”

Fogliacco says that both entities have been the most important patent pool operators, 与Via授权控制的 杜比 和MPEG被许多公司,包括 通用电气(General Electric), 和 that the licensing of st和ard essential patents is normal in a maturing market. “我认为这是好消息, because more efficiency will be provided to the market through this new vehicle,他说. “I think it helps streamline some of the licensing operations that both companies were having. I think will provide an increase [of] efficiency 和 effectiveness.”

He notes that this merger will also make for tougher competition in the codec space but that this competition will be good for licensees 和 licensors, who will be pushed toward being more creative 和 ambitious by addressing issues in the market. He says that Sisvel is unique in having a technical domain team of experts who have worked to validate the assumption that there would be VP9 patents held by companies outside of 谷歌开放媒体联盟. “我们是怎么做到的?他说. “Back at the time, our specifications for everyone were not even available. 只有伪代码, 和 our team mapped the patterns of these players to the pseudocode, validating what later would be also validated through a mapping to the specification. Those validations were then confirmed by third-party experts. Now it's a level of domain expertise that allows us to engage in a different fashion in technical discussions 和 in licensing discussions. I'm not entirely sure how other pool operators are doing [this] because I think if you want to be truly on top of the subject, 你需要这种技术专长, 和 I'm super happy that this is present for video encoding 和 other domains in Sisvel. That is something that still differentiates us from Via LA.”

完整的会议 来自流媒体连接2023年11月. We'll be back in person for 纽约流媒体 on May 20-22, 2024. 更多细节请点击这里.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


到2024年,AVC离过时有多近, with AV1 和 other more efficient 和 increasingly well-established "emerging" codecs like VP9 和 HEVC on the rise? Meta的Hassene Tmar, Netflix的安德烈·诺金说, AMD的肖恩·加德纳, 和 Help Me Stream's Tim Siglin weigh in during this clip from 流媒体连接2024.

How Netflix, Meta, 和 United Cloud Choose New Codecs 和 Why

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Avanci vs. 其他流编解码器池

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专有的和. 开源流编解码器

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